The story begins on a small spaceship docking with a refueling station. On board are a group of four aliens, Bernard, Sandra, Desmond, and Julian. During a particularly tedious period of their stay at the station, the other three begin playing with the ship’s controls while Bernard is outside playing spaceball. They accidentally disconnect his part of the ship, leaving him stranded while they crash into a large blue planet close by (Earth).
Morons from Outer Space (1985)
Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction
Cast: Mel Smith (Bernard), Griff Rhys Jones (Graham Sweetley), Joanne Pearce (Sandra)
Crew: Mike Hodges (Director), Griff Rhys Jones (Writer), Verity Lambert (Executive Producer)
Release: 1985-03-29
Budget: $4,439,285
Revenue: $38,709,715
Gas Distribution Plant Operator: Marcos Toy
Gaming Dealer: Dr. Onie Pagac
Watch Repairer: Elias Collins
Painting Machine Operator: Dr. Zachery Dietrich II
Veterinarian: Alize Witting
Interaction Designer: Robb Willms MD
Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setter: Prof. Garnett Shields
Diesel Engine Specialist: Walter Corkery PhD
Event Planner: Elda Gerlach Sr.
Sales Person: Dusty Corkery
Sawing Machine Operator: Cesar Feil
Technical Director: Dr. Vanessa Paucek PhD
Claims Examiner: Yoshiko Bechtelar
Locksmith: Dr. Cathryn Crist
Recreational Vehicle Service Technician: Prof. Hazel Keebler DDS
Cast: Mel Smith (Bernard), Griff Rhys Jones (Graham Sweetley), Joanne Pearce (Sandra)
Crew: Mike Hodges (Director), Griff Rhys Jones (Writer), Verity Lambert (Executive Producer)
Release: 1985-03-29
Budget: $4,439,285
Revenue: $38,709,715
Gas Distribution Plant Operator: Marcos Toy
Gaming Dealer: Dr. Onie Pagac
Watch Repairer: Elias Collins
Painting Machine Operator: Dr. Zachery Dietrich II
Veterinarian: Alize Witting
Interaction Designer: Robb Willms MD
Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setter: Prof. Garnett Shields
Diesel Engine Specialist: Walter Corkery PhD
Event Planner: Elda Gerlach Sr.
Sales Person: Dusty Corkery
Sawing Machine Operator: Cesar Feil
Technical Director: Dr. Vanessa Paucek PhD
Claims Examiner: Yoshiko Bechtelar
Locksmith: Dr. Cathryn Crist
Recreational Vehicle Service Technician: Prof. Hazel Keebler DDS
Morons from Outer Space - Wikipedia | WordDisk - Morons from Outer Space is a 1985 British comedy-science fiction film directed by Mike Hodges and starring Griff Rhys Jones, Mel Smith, Joanne Pearce, Jimmy Nail and James B. Sikking
Болваны из космоса / Кретины из открытого космоса / Morons - SOLARSOUL - We can´t see borders from outer space (INFINITE ... 274 просмотра. 01:45
Morons from Outer Space - Internet Movie Firearms Database - - Sorry, the video player failed to load. (Error Code: 104153). The following weapons were used in the film Morons from Outer Space: Colonel Raymond Larabee, CIA ( James Sikking ) carries a matched pair of nickel-plated Single Action Army "Artillery" model revolvers with ivory grips
Morons from Outer Space (1985) - Rarelust - Giantess Attack (2017) ». Morons from Outer Space (1985). It is while he is playing space ball that the others start playing around with the space ship controls
Morons from Outer Space - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core - Morons from Outer Space is a 1985 comedy/science fiction film directed by Mike Hodges and stars Griff Rhys Jones, Mel Smith, Joanne Pearce, Jimmy Nail, and James B. Sikking. The story begins on a small spaceship docking with a refueling station
Morons from Outer Space (Illegal Aliens) (1985) - Morons from Outer Space - A space ship stops at an intergalactic fuel station. While the captain's refueling, one of his idiotic companions plays with the controls and accidently starts the ship
Morons From Outer Space - The morons themselves are pretty grating as well, though Smith amusingly underplays his part. The whole thing is a mass of wasted potential, coming across more as a mediocre episode of Comic
Watch online Morons from Outer Space (1985) - It is while he is playing space ball that the others start playing around with the space ship controls. They accidentally disconnect his part of the ship, leaving him stranded while they crash into a
Morons from Outer Space - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader - Morons from Outer Space is a 1985 British comedy-science fiction film directed by Mike Hodges and starring Griff Rhys Jones, Mel Smith, Joanne Pearce, Jimmy Nail and James B. Sikking
Morons from Outer Space | - Morons from Outer Space 1985 (PG). Slow-witted aliens from elsewhere in the universe crash onto Earth, but unlike other sci-fis, these morons become internationally
Watch Morons From Outer Space Online Free On Solarmovie - Comedy, science fiction. The story begins on a small spaceship docking with a refueling station. On board are a group of four aliens, Bernard, Sandra, Desmond, and Julian. During a particularly tedious period of their stay at the
Morons from Outer Space - Click and watch here Morons from - Morons from Outer Space. Description A trio of moronic aliens crash-land on Earth and become celebrities, while a fourth alien, who arrives separately, finds himself ignored
Morons From Outer Space Review | Movie - Empire - Read the Empire Movie review of Morons From Outer Space. Moronic aliens crash-land on earth but are far from the super-intelligent scientists had hoped for
Morons From Outer Space - YouTube - Sci-fi meets hilarity in this wildly adventurous comedy-spoof about four space aliens who crash onto Earth and manage to become glitzy superstars
Morons From Outer Space (1985) [480p] : fullmoviesonyoutube - [-] film_info 0 points1 point2 points 3 hours ago (0 children). Morons from Outer Space (1985). The story begins on a small spaceship docking with a refueling station
Morons from Outer Space Reviews - Metacritic - Morons from Outer Space movie reviews & Metacritic score: A trio of moronic aliens crash-land on Earth and become celebrities, while a fourth alien, who
Morons From Outer Space - Rotten Tomatoes - Critic Reviews for Morons From Outer Space. There are no featured reviews for Morons From Outer Space because the movie has not released yet ()
Morons from Outer Space: Mel Smith, Griff Rhys - Customer Review: Morons From Outer Space. See full review. 4.0 out of 5 stars Morons From Outer Space - DVD. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 27, 2010
Morons From Outer Space - Morons from Outer Space is a 1985 British comedy-science fiction film directed by Mike Hodges and starring Morons From Outer Space Trailer 1985 Director: Mike Hodges Starring: Dinsdale
Morons From Outer Space How To - 08/2021 - Morons From Outer Space Mel Smith Griff Rhys Jones James B. Sikking (1985) Three dimwits from Blob crash-land in England and become pop stars; a fourth (Mel Smith) lands in Arizona
Morons From Outer Space - "MORONS FROM OUTER SPACE" Written by Mel Smith and Peter Brewis Performed by The Morons From Outer Space Trailer 1985 Director: Mike Hodges Starring: Dinsdale Landen, Griff
Original title: Morons from Outer Space - IMDb - I first saw 'Morons From Outer Space' on cable television when I was 12 years old. (1986.) Recently I spotted it for sale on DVD, and what, with a price tag of only 10 dollars, thought I couldn't pass
Morons from Outer Space - Wikipedia - Morons from Outer Space is a 1985 British comedy-science fiction film directed by Mike Hodges and starring Griff Rhys Jones, Mel Smith, Joanne Pearce, Jimmy Nail and James B. Sikking. The story begins on a small spaceship docking with a refuelling station
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